Multiple Shipping Addresses
Multiple shipping allows customers to ship to multiple addresses in a single order. Read the instructions tab below to learn how to do so.
Please keep note of these information while using multiple shipping.
- The information and addresses you enter in the 'Multiple Shipping Info' text field should not be your (buyer's) information and address. Instead, it should be the other party's address.
- This is because in the case of any problems regarding the additional shipping address you provide, we will contact the buyer based on the buyer's information during the checkout process.
Please note that the following products are restricted from using the multiple shipping feature:-
- Products that are 'FREE' or acquired by free either through our store or our store promotions.
1. Select which region you would like to ship to.
2. Enter the name and quantity of the item in your cart that you would like to ship to the additional address. Below is an example of a correct entry.
Royal Black Adjustable Bracelet x2
Jasper Grey Adjustable Bracelet x1
3. If your item includes a personalized engraving, please specify the engraving as well. Below is an example of a correct entry.
Memoire Bracelet - Gold Red x1
Engraving: Michelle
Memoire Bracelet - Gold White x2
Engraving: Nicholas, Jessica
4. Copy the text below and paste it in the 2nd Shipping Address Info field above.
Phone Number:
Postal Code:
5. Enter the shipping details according to the fields you just pasted. Below is an example of a correct entry.
Name: Mary Jane
Phone Number: 1234567890
E-mail: testingemail@gmail.com
Country: United States Of America
Address: Street 1, Avenue 1
State: New York
Postal Code: 10001
6. After you have done the above steps, click on the 'Add To Cart' button to add your item to cart.
Important notes:
Please ensure that all details entered are correct.
Please ensure that the address details entered are not the buyer's address.
In case of any problems regarding multiple shipping addresses, we will contact the buyer based on the buyer's information given at the checkout process.